"The information gained in the RunSafe analysis is necessary for a long and enjoyable running career. I see it as an important step in developing an effective, and hopefully injury-free, approach to running."
"A cost and time efficient way to get a cross-specialization, collaborative view on physical dynamics that are hindering performance or that could lead to injury."
"Provided valuable comprehensive information to help improve and extend my running experience. In additoin the information was provided by qualified professionals."
"This is an exceptional resource for runners. If more people had this information on their running they might enjoy their runs more and continue with the sport. I definitely plan to use the information."
"Great customer service, excellent clinicians. Like the interactive aspect of the analysis, really focused on individual needs/strengths/weaknesses with specific recommendations on how to achieve goals."
"I wanted to let you know that I did my ironman this past weekend. I also wanted to thank you and the RunSafe Team because several of the things I picked up from you helped me in my training and on game-day. Specifically the running anlysis that pointed out the benefit of changing my stride helped keep me from cramping I believe. I think the most critical benefit was the nutritional analysis, which helped dramatically by taking on baord lots of calories early. I really changed my food and liquids intake based on your team's advice. Please share my thanks with everyone. You helped me in my success and I hope you keep helping many others"
"I cannot say enough about how helpful the clinic was for me...really opened up my eyes to the weaknesses I have been avoiding. I am a huge fan and am spreading the word. Tahnk you again and please thank the entire team. They really do a great job."
"The clinicians were friendly, it was well organized...the recommendations were extremely helpful and improved my running and hlped alleviate my injuries" "I feel that because of what I learned at RunSafe, I totally changed the way that I run. I was having a ton of IT issues after my 2009 race season. And since my appt. a year ago I've finished 4 Olympic distance Tri's, 1-Sprint Tri, 1-Half-Iron Tri, 1-5k, and I came in 2nd in my age group at the 2011 Marin Half Marahton. WIth no post IT pain."